Below are a few iOS8 Message tips . these tips are really useful for me in my daily usage. try it . especially the ability to delete older messages automatically .
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What time?: See when a message was sent by dragging the message bubble to the left.
More: Pressing and holding on a message will bring up a Copy and More menu. Select more and you can delete messages you don’t want to show. Sadly it doesn’t delete it at the receivers end though.
Quick photo: If you are talking on iMessage you can press and hold the camera icon to reveal a new menu. Swipe up to take a picture or left to record a video.
Quick Voice message: If you press on the new mic button on the right of the text box you can start recording a verbal message. Lift your finger to stop to reveal a playback button. Once happy either swipe up or tap the arrow to send it or swipe left or tap the x button to cancel.
Details: To see more information about the sender press the word Details at the top right of the screen. It will allow you to send your current location or your constant location.
Mute someone: If someone is constantly badgering you, go into a message from them, press Details, then toggle on the Do Not Disturb button. This works for SMS as well as iMessages.
See attachments: Go into a message from them > Details > and scroll down to reveal all the attachments you’ve sent them via iMessage.
Delete messages: As before swiping from right to left in the Messages hub and you can quickly delete a conversation.
Delete older messages automatically: Settings > Messages and then scroll down to Message history. Here you can Opt to keep Messages forever, 1 year, or 30 days.
Automatically deleting audio or video messages: Apple by default sets it so once you’ve sent an audio message it will delete from your iPhone or iPad after two minutes. If you want to keep the message go to Settings > Messages and scroll down to Audio Messages or Video Messages sections and toggle the Expire setting.
Raise to listen to audio messages: It’s on by default but you can turn off the ability to listen and reply to incoming audio messages by raising your phone. To turn it off go to Settings > Messages and toggle Raise to Listen.
Blue vs green: Blue is for iMessages, green is for SMS messages
Send iMessage as SMS: If you are having trouble sending your iMessages (over data) you can opt to have iOS 8 revert to sending the message as a SMS instead. Go to Settings > Messages and tick the relevant box.