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What i do to save my battery life in iOS8 . ( i might be wrong )




with many new iphone6 and iphone6 plus among friends and customers or even upgrading iOS8 on iphone5/5c/5s .  most common question people ask me about ways to save battery life .

i do use 4G because i’m always surfing the net for product reviews , football news , google-ing and many more. turning off 4G and running on 3G will actually do just fine. but i like to see my search/page load at lightning 4G speed. 4G is the very last option i turn off during dire situation of low battery .

the list below shows what i turned off myself to save battery life .


share this page with all your iOS buddies !  save battery life , save the world




1.  Turn on Auto-Brightness

The iPhone has an ambient light sensorthat adjusts the brightness of the screen based on the light around it (darker in dark places, brighter when there’s more ambient light) to both save battery and make it easier to see. Turn Auto-Brightness on and you’ll save energy because your screen will need to use less power in dark places.

Adjust that setting by tapping:

  1. The Settings app
  2. Display & Brightness (it’s called Brightness & Wallpaper in iOS 7)
  3. Move the Auto-Brightness slider to On/green
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2.  Reduce Screen Brightness

You can control the default brightness of your iPhone screen with this slider. Needless to say, the brighter the default setting for the screen, the more power it requires. Keep the screen dimmer to conserve more of your battery by tapping:

  1. The Settings app
  2. Display & Brightness (it’s called Brightness & Wallpaper in iOS 7)
  3. Move the slider as needed
reduce motion and animation in iOS 7 -

3.  Stop Motion & Animations (iOS 7)

One of the coolest features of iOS 7 is called Background Motion. It’s subtle, but if you move your iPhone and watch the app icons and background image, you’ll see them move slightly independently of each other, as if they’re on different planes. This is called a parallax effect. It’s really cool, but it also drains battery. You may want to leave it on to enjoy the effect, but if not, turn it off by tapping:

  1. The Settings app
  2. General
  3. Accessibility
  4. Reduce Motion
  5. Move slider to green/On
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4.  Disable Dynamic Backgrounds (iOS 7)

Another neat feature introduced in iOS 7is animated wallpapers that move underneath your app icons. These dynamic backgrounds offer a cool interface flourish, but they also use more power than a simple static background image. Dynamic Backgrounds aren’t a feature you have to turn on or off, just don’t select the Dynamic Backgrounds in the Wallpapers & Backgrounds menu.

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5.  Turn Bluetooth Off

Bluetooth wireless networking is especially useful for cell phone users with wireless headsets or earpieces. But transmitting data wirelessly takes battery and leaving Bluetooth on to accept incoming data at all times requires even more juice. Turn off Bluetooth except when you’re using it to squeeze more power from your battery.

Find it in:

  1. The Settings app
  2. Bluetooth
  3. Move slider to Off/white

You can also access the Bluetooth setting through Control Center. To do that, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and tap the Bluetooth icon (the center one) so that it is grayed out.

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6.  Turn Off LTE or Cellular Data

The nearly perpetual connectivity offered by the iPhone means connecting to 3G and speedy 4G LTE cellular phone networks. Not surprisingly, using 3G, and especially 4G LTE, requires more energy to get the quicker data speeds and higher-quality calls. It’s tough to go slower, but if you need more power, turn off LTE and just use the older, slower networks. Your battery will last longer (though you’ll need it when you’re downloading websites more slowly!) or turn off all cellular data and either just use Wi-Fi or no connectivity at all.

To do this:

  1. Tap Settings
  2. Cellular
  3. Slide Enable 4G to Off/white to use slower cellular data networks while still allowing yourself to use cellular data
  4. To limit yourself just to Wi-Fi, slide Cellular Data to Off/white
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7.  Keep Wi-Fi Off

The other kind of high-speed network that the iPhone can connect to is Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is even faster than 3G or 4G, though it’s only available where there’s a hotspot (not virtually everywhere like 3G or 4G). Keeping Wi-Fi turned on at all times in hopes that an open hotspot will appear is a sure way to drain your battery life. So, unless you’re using it right this second, keep Wi-Fi turned off by tapping:

  1. The Settings app
  2. Wi-Fi
  3. Slide to Off/white

You can also turn off Wi-Fi via Control Center. To access that setting, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and tap the Wi-Fi icon to gray it out.

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8.  Turn Off Location Services

One of the coolest features of the iPhone is its built-in GPS. This allows your phone to know where you are and give you exact driving directions, give that information to apps that help you find restaurants, and more. But, like any service that sends data over a network, it needs battery power to work. If you’re not using Location Services, and don’t plan to right away, turn them off and save some power.

Turn off Location Services by tapping:

  1. The Settings app
  2. Privacy
  3. Location Services
  4. Slide to Off/white
system services settings -

9.  Turn Off Other Location Settings

The iPhone can perform a lot of useful tasks in the background, but the more background activity there is, especially activity that connects to the Internet or uses GPS, can drain battery quickly. Some of these features in particular are not required by most iPhone users and can be safely turned off to regain some battery life.

Find them in:

  1. The Settings app
  2. Privacy
  3. Location Services
  4. System Services
  5. Turn off Diagnostics & Usage, Location-Based iAds, Popular Near Me, and Setting Time Zone
  6. Turn off Frequent Location . Frequent Locations: Your iPhone will keep track of places you have recently been, as well as how often and when you visited them, in order to learn places that are significant to you. This data is kept solely on your device and won’t be sent to Apple without your consent. It will be used to provide you with personalized services, such as predictive traffic routing.
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10.  Prevent Background App Refresh (iOS 7)

There are a number of new features in iOS 7 designed to make your iPhone smarter and ready for you whenever you need it. One of these features is Background App Refresh. This feature looks at the apps you use most often, the time of day that you use them, and then automatically updates them for you so that the next time you open the app, the latest information is waiting for you. For instance, if you always check social media at 7:30 am, iOS 7 learns that and automatically updates your social apps before 7:30 am. Needless to say, this useful feature drains battery.

To turn it off, tap:

  1. The Settings app
  2. General
  3. Background App Refresh
  4. Either disable the feature entirely or just for for specific apps that you want to use it with


Battery usage in iOS 8 -

11.  Find the Battery Killers (iOS 8)

Most of the suggestions on this list are about turning things off or not doing certain things. This one helps you discover which apps are killing your battery. In iOS 8, there’s a new feature called Battery Usage that shows which apps have been sucking the most power over the last 24 hours and the last 7 days. If you start seeing an app showing up there consistently, you’ll know that running the app is costing you battery life.

Access Battery Usage by tapping:

  1. The Settings app
  2. General
  3. Usage
  4. Battery Usage

On that screen, you’ll sometimes see notes beneath each item (for instance, in the screenshot above, notice “Low Signal” under Personal Hotspot). This note provides more detail on why the app drained so much battery and can suggest ways for you to fix it.

Suggested Apps in iOS 8 -

12.  Don’t Take App Suggestions (iOS 8)

Suggested Apps is another new feature of iOS 8 that uses your location information to figure out where you are, what you’re near, and what apps—both installed on your phone and available in the App Store—might come in handy based on that information. It can be neat, but needless to say, it uses extra battery life by checking for your location, communicating with the App Store, etc.

To turn off suggested apps:

  1. Tap the Settings app
  2. Tap General
  3. Tap Handoff & Suggested Apps
  4. Move the My Apps and App Storesliders to Off
killing apps doesn't save battery life -

13.  Run Down Your Battery As Much As Possible

Believe it or not, but the more often you charge a battery, the less energy it can hold. Counter-intuitive, I know, but it’s one of the quirks of modern batteries.

Over time, the battery remembers the point in its drain at which you recharge it and starts to treat that as its limit. For example, if you always charge your iPhone when it’s still got 75% of its battery left, eventually the battery will start to behave as if it’s total capacity is 75%, not the original 100%.

The way to get around your battery losing capacity in this way is to use your phone as long as possible before charging it. Try waiting until your phone is down to 20% (or even less!) battery before charging. Just make sure not to wait too long.





Google Announces World Lens Instant Translation for Google Translate App for iOS . i have been waiting for this day !!!!


On Wendesday, Google took to its public blog to announce a major new update to its Google Translate application for mobile devices, including the iOS platform.

Later today, the update will be available. Among some of the more important features is the ability to use the new World Lensfeature, which can take advantage of the iOS device’s camera in order to take in information from a different language and then display it on the screen in English, as shown in the animated GIF image above.

For example, if you can only speak English, and you’re in Spain looking at a sign that you don’t understand, you can whip out your handy dandy Google Translate application, open the World Lens camera option, and instantly you’ll be looking at the sign from a Spaniard’s eyes – making you fully capable of understanding the sign.

Google notes that World Lens only works in the following languages currently (although support for more languages is coming soon):

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish

The update also makes it easier to translate text in real time while you’re in the middle of a conversation. The application offers the ability to tap on a microphone button while someone is talking, and the language of the person talking will automatically be detected and translated for you in real time:

For more information about the update, you can head over to Google’s blog at this link. The update will be rolling out over the next few days to all users for free for both iOS and Android users.

The Google Translate application for iOS can be downloaded for free from this App Store link.
